Thursday, October 23, 2008

RSS Assignment Part Quatro

I have one word that describes my opinion for RSS: addicted! I have made my iGoogle site my homepage and I check it everyday, several times a day and I think that this has been a great learning experience. I have my favorite "things" that I have added including the "Places to See" gadget and the "ToDo" list. I really like looking through my Google reader as well. I have my favorite blogs and podcasts that I have suscribed to and I feel that I have learned a lot from the all. One podcast that I have subscribed to for personal use is "Coffee Break Spanish". This podcast gives small Spanish lessons and I think that it is important for me to learn Spanish especially since I am planning on teaching in Austin, TX. A lot of my students may be hispanic and it would be beneficial for me to learn some Spanish. With my busy schedule I don't get the oppertunity to read a lot of blogs so podcasts work better for me so when I'm walking between classes I can listen to my iPod. I definitely think that blogs, podcasts, etc. can be used in my future classroom. I think that having students journal in a blog once a week about something they learned and if they had any coments, questions or concerns about class that week would be a great idea. I also think that creating a podcast of different lessons could be beneficial for both parents and students. If a child misses class due to sickness or family vacation then both the parents and the students can listen to the lesson so the student is not as far behind when he or she comes back to class. I have really enjoyed doing this RSS assignment and I see a lot of potential use for it in my future classroom!

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